Monday, June 20, 2011

Best Ways to Take a Temperature

The best way to take a temperature depends a lot on the patient. Parents who have tried taking temperatures in young, wiggly children will tell you the best way is the fastest. Of course, getting the most accurate measurement is also important. Make sure a thermometer is part of your home medical supplies.

Many doctors recommend taking a rectal temperature in children under 3 years old. This temperature reading will be the most accurate since it is the most internal. This method requires 2 to 3 minutes using a mercury thermometer and holding the thermometer carefully in place with the child lying across your lap.

Taking an oral temperature works well with older, more cooperative children and adults. The patient needs to be able to keep his mouth closed for 2 to 3 minutes while the temperature is being taken - this is hard to do with a cold. No cold or hot liquids should be consumed for at least 15 to 20 minutes before the temperature is taken, and either a mercury or digital thermometer can be used.

A faster way of measuring temperature is using a Tympanic thermometer for just a few seconds. This thermometer is more expensive, and must be inserted just right into the ear canal for an accurate reading. A build up of earwax will also give a false reading.

An underarm reading is the least accurate and takes the longest. If your child refuses to let you take his temperature anywhere else, you can put a thermometer under his arm for 4 to 5 minutes while holding the arm tight against his side. Some times this is the least traumatic way to take a fussy child’s temperature.

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